On 11th March 2020 National Basket Ball Association (NBA) announced to suspend tournament due to Corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic and Rudy Gobert testing positive for corona virus disease 2019. Right now NBA team has been tracking corona virus 2019 pandemic closely, and are in touch with public and health authorities like CDC on the matter of virus. NBA asked players to go for self isolation and if they found symptoms of Corona then they need to inform Heath department for treatment. Commissioner Adam Silver said that the league may be suspended till 1st of May but probably not even then. https://youtu.be/P2rolEII4jU In the above video a health discussion about suspension is done i would recommend people to watch the video where speaker is informing what are the reasons for suspension Don,t forget to give feedback in comments columns, and i am thankful to channel Fired Up for making amazing video and sharing with us for wonderful information. Players Effe...