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Why Neeraj Chopra and Nadeem Arshad Aren’t Throwing at 45°: A Physics-Based Insight for the Paris Olympics

 As the Paris Olympics approach, the world’s attention is on javelin stars Neeraj Chopra from India and Nadeem Arshad from Pakistan. These athletes, who have consistently delivered top-tier performances, have intrigued many with their choice to avoid the traditional 45° throwing angle. According to basic physics, a 45° launch angle should yield the maximum range for a projectile. So why are these elite throwers choosing different angles? Let’s explore the science behind this decision.

The Physics Behind the 45° Angle

The 45° rule is rooted in the principles of projectile motion. In an ideal environment—where air resistance is negligible, and the object is uniform in shape—launching a projectile at 45° results in the maximum horizontal distance. However, real-world javelin throwing involves factors that complicate this simple rule, such as aerodynamics, wind, and the design of the javelin itself.

The Role of Aerodynamics

Javelins are not simple projectiles; they are specifically designed to interact with the air in a way that generates lift. This aerodynamic lift allows the javelin to stay in the air longer, increasing its range even when thrown at angles lower than 45°. For athletes like Chopra and Arshad, throwing at an angle between 30° and 36° can optimize the javelin's flight path, taking full advantage of the aerodynamic properties of the javelin. This technique not only maximizes distance but also enhances control, crucial in competitive settings.

The Importance of Speed and Power

Another key factor is the speed at which the javelin is thrown. In javelin throwing, the velocity of the javelin plays a significant role in determining how far it will travel. When athletes like Chopra and Arshad throw with high velocity, the javelin generates more lift, allowing it to travel further even at lower angles. This is why focusing on speed and power, combined with an optimized throwing angle, is more effective than adhering strictly to the 45° rule.

Environmental Considerations

Environmental factors like wind also play a crucial role in javelin throwing. A tailwind can assist in carrying the javelin further, which might encourage a lower throwing angle. Conversely, in the absence of wind or in unfavorable conditions, athletes might adjust their angles slightly to compensate. Chopra and Arshad’s ability to adapt to these conditions is a testament to their expertise and experience.


Neeraj Chopra and Nadeem Arshad’s decision to throw at angles lower than 45° is rooted in a deep understanding of the physics involved in javelin throwing. By leveraging the aerodynamic properties of the javelin, optimizing their speed and power, and adapting to environmental conditions, they consistently achieve remarkable distances. As the Paris Olympics near, their innovative approach will likely continue to challenge conventional wisdom and inspire future athletes.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and is intended to provide general knowledge about javelin throwing techniques. It is not professional advice.


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